

11 months ago

Beta Release Notes #5

Introduces 1.20.2, many performance enhancements, and configurable menu themes. Also significantly improves Realms support across the client.


  • Added - 1.20.2
  • Removed - 1.20.0

New Features

  • Added - New custom 3D and 2D renderer built from the ground up
    • Affects every module that rendered anything
    • Notable changes: improved performance, better chroma
  • Added - Spotify Status module
    • Displays your currently playing Spotify song on the HUD
    • Adds keybinds for interacting with your currently playing track
    • Not compatible with Linux systems
  • Added - Theming system from the launcher has been ported
    • Limited time "Spooky" Halloween theme added
  • Added - HUD modules now render separately from the rest of the game
    • As such they can have their FPS limited in settings
    • Results in a signficiant performance improvement
  • Added - Realms support to the following modules:
    • Waypoints
    • Server Display
    • Playtime
    • Discord RPC
  • Added - Native support for Adventure
  • Added - Native support for Annotation Command Framework


  • Changed - Reworked Waypoints
    • New option to automatically create waypoints on death
    • Only show in the specific world they were created in
    • Now render a cool spinning cube when extremely close!
  • Changed - Reworked the account login flow
    • You will now be redirected to the login screen instead of the main menu if not logged in
    • You will not be able to enter the singleplayer or multiplayer menus if not logged in
    • Offline accounts are now properly removed if you remove your last premium account
    • Offline accounts no longer attempt to connect to the Alpine Client servers
  • Changed - Remove account button is now significantly more visible

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed - Crash when loading with Sodium 0.5.0
    • As a result, 1.20+ is now incompatible with all earlier versions of Sodium
  • Fixed - Crash when enabling Server Display on a Realm
  • Fixed - Crash when rendering WorldEdit CUI
  • Fixed - Issue with depth state of rendering WorldEdit CUI
  • Fixed - Issue logging in with Microsoft accounts
  • Fixed - Issue with MSA authentication callback becoming stuck if unexpectedly closed
  • Fixed - Issue where some cosmetics were not properly retrieved
  • Fixed - Issues with Chat Settings on 1.18.2
  • Fixed - Issue with provided resource packs on Partner servers
  • Removed - Redundant alpha slider on Waypoint creator


We are actively looking for new suggestions! Feel free to leave any client suggestions in our Discord!